Dr. Katarzyna Waszyńska, prof. UAM-psychologist, educator (UAM in Poznań), clinical sexologist (certificate of the Polish Society of Sexology), specialist in sexual education (certificate of the Institute of Sexual Health of the Society for Family Development), specialist in post-traumatic stress therapy (certified by the Polish Therapeutic Association), counselor in marital and family problems (certified by the Polish Therapeutic Association), head of the Laboratory of Health Promotion and Psychotherapy at WSE UAM and specialization in sociotherapy and health promotion.
- International research group "Intercultural Relationships. Society - education - labor market"
- Interdepartmental Interdisciplinary Research Group Gender and Language -
Prof. dr hab.
Anna Musiała
Prof. Dr. Anna Musiala - Professor w of social sciences, w discipline law, working at University im. Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan. Scholarship holder Government Republic of France in Paris in 2006 r. (Université Nanterre X); has also held scientific internships in Bordeaux (Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV - COMPTRASEC), Genewie (International Organizacja Pracy), Tokio (Tokyo Daigaku) i mieście Meksyku (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). In years 2014-2015, w Program Mentoring Foundation na for Science Polskiej odbyła staż w Collège de France w Katedrze Prof. Alain Supiot Supiot (État social et mondialisation: analyse juridique de solidarité).
Two-time Laureate Program Start Foundation for Science Poland (2009, 2010). In 2011 r. received stypendium Minister Science and Education University for excellent young naukowca..
His monography "Polish law work a social science church"has been four times wyróżniona: Nagrodą im. Aniela Hrabina Potulicka, awarded by Foundation Potulicka at the Catholic University Lubelskim za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe wpisujące się w idee chrześcijańskiego humanizmu, Nagrodą Naukową I stopnia Rektora Uniwersytetu im. Adam Mickiewicz w Poznan, Nagroda Minister Education i Nauki, a also books otrzymała wyróżnienie specjalne za najlepszą publikację z zakresu katolickiej nauki społecznej przyznane podczas V Festiwalu Katolickiej Nauki Społecznej w Warszawie.
Author also four minor monographies: "Employment non-employment" (2011), "Agreements collective as source law pracy" (2013), Prawo pracy: czyje? Res publica" (2020) , a also "law subjective in law labor - a regarding "whom"? dispute about legal character law employment", (2022).
Curator of cycle of National Conferences "Science and practice in service to human work" (from 2016 r.):
Mateusz Jaworski
Dr. Mateusz Jaworski, consultant for foreigners, Plenipotentiary for legalization of residence (students and doctoral students) and assistant professor of literary studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Dr. Jaworski is a graduate in Russian philology and English philology, reflecting his passion for foreign languages and other cultures. His research focuses on the interpretation of contemporary Russian literature in the context of philosophy, literary theory, sociology, psychiatry and physics. In 2017, he completed his doctoral studies with distinction, and in 2019 he published a monograph on the prose of Viktor Pelevin. For the past five years, Dr. Jaworski has been actively supporting UAM students and doctoral students during the process of legalizing their residency. His work is guided by empathy and understanding towards the problems of members of our community.
Monika Zielona-Jenek
Dr. Monika Zielona-Jenek is a psychologist and a specialist in psychosexuality. She works at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, where she serves as associate dean for education. Her scientific and teaching activity is carried out in the team of the Department of Social and Clinical Sexology of the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science at the Adam Mickiewicz University. Her scientific interests concern human sexual development and its bio-psycho-social conditions. She cooperates with educational and social welfare institutions, as well as NGOs, and runs a clinical practice.